Monday, July 10, 2006

Psycho Profiles: Puppet-Fuhrer George W. Bush,12271,1033904,00.html

So George, how do you feel about your mom and dad?
Psychologist Oliver James analyses the behaviour of the American president
Tuesday September 2, 2003
The Guardian

As the alcoholic George Bush approached his 40th birthday in 1986, he had achieved nothing he could call his own. He was all too aware that none of his educational and professional accomplishments would have occured without his father. He felt so low that he did not care if he lived or died. Taking a friend out for a flight in a Cessna aeroplane, it only became apparent he had not flown one before when they nearly crashed on take-off. Narrowly avoiding stalling a few times, they crash-landed and the friend breathed a sigh of relief - only for Bush to rev up the engine and take off again.

Not long afterwards, staring at his vomit-spattered face in the mirror, this dangerously self-destructive man fell to his knees and implored God to help him and became a teetotalling, fundamentalist Christian. David Frum, his speechwriter, described the change: "Sigmund Freud imported the Latin pronoun id to describe the impulsive, carnal, unruly elements of the human personality. [In his youth] Bush's id seems to have been every bit as powerful and destructive as Clinton's id. But sometime in Bush's middle years, his id was captured, shackled and manacled, and locked away."

One of the jailers was his father. His grandfather, uncles and many cousins attended both his secondary school, Andover, and his university, Yale, but the longest shadow was cast by his father's exceptional careers there.

On the wall of his school house at Andover, there was a large black-and-white photograph of his father in full sporting regalia. He had been one of the most successful student athletes in the school's 100-year history and was similarly remembered at Yale, where his grandfather was a trustee. His younger brother, Jeb, summed the problem up when he said, "A lot of people who have fathers like this feel a sense that they have failed." Such a titanic figure created mixed feelings. On the one hand, Bush worshipped and aspired to emulate him. Peter Neumann, an Andover roommate, recalls that, "He idolised his father, he was going to be just like his dad." At Yale, a friend remembered a "deep respect" for his father and when he later set up in the oil business, another friend said, "He was focused to prove himself to his dad."

On the other hand, deep down, Bush had a profound loathing for this perfect model of American citizenship whose very success made the son feel a failure. Rebelliousness was an unconscious attack on him and a desperate attempt to carve out something of his own. Far from paternal emulation, Bush described his goal at school as "to instil a sense of frivolity". Contemporaries at Yale say he was like the John Belushi character in the film Animal House, a drink-fuelled funseeker.

He was aggressively anti-intellectual and hostile to east-coast preppy types like his father, sometimes cruelly so. On one occasion he walked up to a matronly woman at a smart cocktail party and asked, "So, what's sex like after 50, anyway?"

A direct and loutish challenge to his father's posh sensibility came aged 25, after he had drunkenly crashed a car. "I hear you're looking for me," he sneered at his father, "do you want to go mano a mano, right here?"

As he grew older, the fury towards his father was increasingly directed against himself in depressive drinking. But it was not all his father's fault. There was also his insensitive and domineering mother.

Barbara Bush is described by her closest intimates as prone to "withering stares" and "sharply crystalline" retorts. She is also extremely tough. When he was seven, Bush's younger sister, Robin, died of leukaemia and several independent witnesses say he was very upset by this loss. Barbara claims its effect was exaggerated but nobody could accuse her of overreacting: the day after the funeral, she and her husband were on the golf course.

She was the main authority-figure in the home. Jeb describes it as having been, "A kind of matriarchy... when we were growing up, dad wasn't at home. Mom was the one to hand out the goodies and the discipline." A childhood friend recalls that,"She was the one who instilled fear", while Bush put it like this: "Every mother has her own style. Mine was a little like an army drill sergeant's... my mother's always been a very outspoken person who vents very well - she'll just let rip if she's got something on her mind." According to his uncle, the "letting rip" often included slaps and hits. Countless studies show that boys with such mothers are at much higher risk of becoming wild, alcoholic or antisocial.

On top of that, Barbara added substantially to the pressure from his father to be a high achiever by creating a highly competitive family culture. All the children's games, be they tiddlywinks or baseball, were intensely competitive - an actual "family league table" was kept of performance in various pursuits. At least this prepared him for life at Andover, where emotional literacy was definitely not part of the curriculum. Soon after arriving, he was asked to write an essay on a soul-stirring experience in his life to date and he chose the death of his sister. His mother had drilled it into him that it was wrong when writing to repeat words already used. Having employed "tears" once in the essay, he sought a substitute from a thesaurus she had given him and wrote "the lacerates ran down my cheeks". The essay received a fail grade, accompanied by derogatory comments such as "disgraceful".

This incident may be an insight into Bush's strange tendency to find the wrong words in making public pronouncements. "Is our children learning?" he once famously asked. On responding to critics of his intellect he claimed that they had "misunderestimated" him. Perhaps these verbal faux-pas are a barely unconscious way of winding up his bullying mother and waving two fingers at his cultured father's sensibility.

The outcome of this childhood was what psychologists call an authoritarian personality. Authoritarianism was identified shortly after the second world war as part of research to discover the causes of fascism. As the name suggests, authoritarians impose the strictest possible discipline on themselves and others - the sort of regime found in today's White House, where prayers precede daily business, appointments are scheduled in five-minute blocks, women's skirts must be below the knee and Bush rises at 5.45am, invariably fitting in a 21-minute, three-mile jog before lunch.

Authoritarian personalities are organised around rabid hostility to "legitimate" targets, often ones nominated by their parents' prejudices. Intensely moralistic, they direct it towards despised social groups. As people, they avoid introspection or loving displays, preferring toughness and cynicism. They regard others with suspicion, attributing ulterior motives to the most innocent behaviour. They are liable to be superstitious. All these traits have been described in Bush many times, by friends or colleagues.

His moralism is all-encompassing and as passionate as can be. He plans to replace state welfare provision with faith-based charitable organisations that would impose Christian family values.

The commonest targets of authoritarians have been Jews, blacks and homosexuals. Bush is anti-abortion and his fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible would mean that gay practices are evil. But perhaps the group he reserves his strongest contempt for are those who have adopted the values of the 60s. He says he loathes "people who felt guilty about their lot in life because others were suffering".

He has always rejected any kind of introspection. Everyone who knows him well says how hard he is to get to know, that he lives behind what one friend calls a "facile, personable" facade. Frum comments that, "He is relentlessly disciplined and very slow to trust. Even when his mouth seems to be smiling at you, you can feel his eyes watching you."

His deepest beliefs amount to superstition. "Life takes its own turns," he says, "writes its own story and along the way we start to realise that we are not the author." God's will, not his own, explains his life.

Most fundamentalist Christians have authoritarian personalities. Two core beliefs separate fundamentalists from mere evangelists ("happy-clappy" Christians) or the mainstream Presbyterians among whom Bush first learned religion every Sunday with his parents: fundamentalists take the Bible absolutely literally as the word of God and believe that human history will come to an end in the near future, preceded by a terrible, apocaplytic battle on Earth between the forces of good and evil, which only the righteous shall survive. According to Frum when Bush talks of an "axis of evil" he is identifying his enemies as literally satanic, possessed by the devil. Whether he specifically sees the battle with Iraq and other "evil" nations as being part of the end-time, the apocalypse preceding the day of judgment, is not known. Nor is it known whether Tony Blair shares these particular religious ideas.

However, it is certain that however much Bush may sometimes seem like a buffoon, he is also powered by massive, suppressed anger towards anyone who challenges the extreme, fanatical beliefs shared by him and a significant slice of his citizens - in surveys, half of them also agree with the statement "the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word".

Bush's deep hatred, as well as love, for both his parents explains how he became a reckless rebel with a death wish. He hated his father for putting his whole life in the shade and for emotionally blackmailing him. He hated his mother for physically and mentally badgering him to fulfil her wishes. But the hatred also explains his radical transformation into an authoritarian fundamentalist. By totally identifying with an extreme version of their strict, religion-fuelled beliefs, he jailed his rebellious self. From now on, his unconscious hatred for them was channelled into a fanatical moral crusade to rid the world of evil.

As Frum put it: "Id-control is the basis of Bush's presidency but Bush is a man of fierce anger." That anger now rules the world.

· Oliver James's book They F*** You Up - How to survive family life is published by Bloomsbury, priced £7.99.

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
May 5, 2003
From the Streets of Little Beirut
Glen Yeadon

On January 28, 2003, amid the furor of the impending war with Iraq the British press briefly reported on Operation Ore, the most thorough and comprehensive police investigation of crimes against children before being squashed by the Blair government. Besides implicating Rock guitarist Peter Townsend of the Who, the report claimed that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for pedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography. With the investigation reaching to senior members of his Government, Blair declared a news blackout on the story.

Moreover, the British report was not the first such case reported. In fact, it followed on the heels of a report from Portugal. On November 27, 2002, the press reported a scandal of pedophile ring run from a state orphanage. The Guardian reported that the scandal threatened to engulf diplomats, media personalities and senior politicians. Photographs of senior government officials with young boys from Lisbon's Casa Pia orphanage were among the evidence. More shocking however, were the revelations that systematic sexual abuse of children at the home had allegedly been going on for more than 20 years and had been known to police and other authorities for most of that time.

On January 14, 2002, Insight Magazine reported the charges leveled by Ben Johnson against his employer Dyncorp, a major defense contractor. Johnson charged that officials and employees of Dyncorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior and were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and participating in other immoral acts. Johnson had witnessed his supervisors and fellow employees buying 12- to 15-year-olds as sex slaves.

While prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, the global sex trade is big business. The impact of illegal immigrant traffic in Canada is estimated at between $120 million to $400 million per year accounting for approximately 8,000 to 16,000 people arriving in Canada per year illegally. The estimate is from Organized Crime Impact Study, prepared for the Solicitor General of Canada. The majority of the illegal immigrants are forced into prostitution and come from Vietnam and China. Once smuggled into Canada the young girls are sold into bondage throughout a North America network. Moreover, Canada is not alone. Young Russians and Ukrainian women that wish to immigrate to Israel are often smuggled into the country destitute and at the mercy of their pimp.

More disgusting is the role the United States government plays in facilitating this global sex trade. Instead of banning the previously mentioned Dyncorp from further defense contracts, the regime of George W Bush rewards it in granting major contracts for the Iraqi war. Even more shameful is the wink and nod the state department grants the Saudis. The Arabian Peninsula has long been known to be purchasers of slaves. Mostly the slaves came from India or Africa however, with the advent of the oil wealth the Saudis have became more selective and are known as high-end buyers. The Saudi Arabian Government continues to refuse to sign the United Nation’s treaty on slavery and extradition treaties. There have been several incidents in the past where the media has reported a slave of a Saudi prince brought into the United States escaped. The State Department then intervenes and returns the escaped slave to the Saudi prince and the incident forgotten. The State Department exempts the Saudi princes from normal custom procedures. A child slave bought by a Saudi prince can be delivered to his plane and allowed to depart without the required passport for the child. One fortunate victim that became entangled in the Mid East sex ring was the former Miss USA Shannon Marketic. She had been lured to Brunei by what she believed was legitimate modeling work. Being a high profile case she was returned to the United States and filed suit. The former Miss USA lost her lawsuit as the State department granted immunity to her abductors.

Many of the pictures of the young children peering out from posters and milk cartons that have disappeared in the United States have fallen victim to this global sex trade. They indeed may have been lucky for there is a much more sinister side to child molestation. In fact, it is undoubtedly the most macabre and hideous aspect to evolve out of the United States use of Nazi scientists, the CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA. This grotesque project of ghastly experiments in mind control evolved out of earlier CIA projects in search for a truth serum. The roots for such a project date back to the wartime OSS search for a truth serum. During the war, the OSS began a search for a truth serum to use on captured U-boat prisoners. The experiments were limited and the only drug they found to produce desirable results was cannabis. According to author Anthony Cave Brown in the Last Hero, the experiments were limited to testing on one person. Additionally Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University carried out experiments paralleling the Nazis brain washing methods by drugs and hypnosis. Estabrooks connections with the army, CID, FBI and other agencies are still shrouded in secrecy. However, it seems that the doctor could not help but talk about his experiments occasionally and what is know of
his work comes from his loose tongue.

During the war, the allies had captured documents in the Nazis experiments on inmates of Dachau with mescaline and other psychedelics in a search for a truth serum. The doctor in charge of the Dachau experiments was Dr. Hubertus Strughold. Strughold was also involved in barbaric high altitude experiments on inmates of Dachau. Strughold was brought to the United States under the Project Paperclip and became America’s father of space medicine. His use of mind-altering drugs on inmates provided the foundation for the CIA’s research into truth serums and mind control.

The United States first foray into truth serums started in 1947 as Project CHATTER initiated by the navy. The project was terminated in 1953. In 1949, at the Edgewood Arsenal the CIA began project Bluebird using Nazi scientists to find a truth serum. Project Bluebird evolved into Project Artichoke and eventually into MK-Ultra. MK-UTRA was much larger in focusing on mind control and the means to achieve it was not limited to drugs and psychedelics. MK-ULTRA experiments including using hypnosis, lobotomy, electroshock, sensory deprivation, ESP, and drugs experiments in hypnosis, lobotomy, electroshock, sensory deprivation, ESP, drugs and sexual abuse.

Ironically, the CIA’s first widespread use of sex came from a program to blackmail United States politicians conducted by Edwin Wilson. The political targets were enticed to live out their sexual fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready the unsuspecting politician would be filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him into supporting the agency’s projects and views. Wilson's skill in these matters dated back to the early 1950s, when he took over a network of homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset and McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn.

While MK-ULTRA focused primarily on the use of drugs for mind control other CIA projects evolved to use trauma to induce control or the victim’s mind such as Project Monarch. Project Monarch officially began in the early 1960s, although unofficially at a much earlier date. Monarch may have evolved out of MK-SEARCH subprojects such as SPELLBINDER, which was a program to create the Manchurian candidate or sleeper assassins that could be activated with code words.

MK-ULTRA still remains classified as top secret. Officially, the CIA refuses to acknowledge it. In the aftermath of Watergate, the CIA released voluminous documents under the Freedom of Information act on MK-ULTRA and other projects. Several good books soon followed the release. Perhaps, the closest admission of the program came in an interview of William Colby by Anton Chaitkin of the New Federalist. When directly asked what about MONARCH, Colby angry replied "We stopped that between the late 1960's and the early 1970's." Knowledge of Project MONARCH comes from its victims. The first to surface was Candy Jones, a model with the birth name of Jessica Wilcox. Jones apparently fit the physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments of MK-ULTRA. Her story was told in the book The Control of Candy Jones.

The most publicized case is the story of Cathy O'Brien told in the book TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave. O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor. Like many others, Cathy was introduced to the program by her perverted father. Cathy covers an almost unbelievable array of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution (white slavery) with those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert assignments as a "drug mule" and courier. Another survivor, Paul Bonaci who survived two decades of torture under Project MONARCH has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide-scale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House. He has testified about sexually abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB. At Offutt, they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.

Monarch programming involves traumatizing the victim in order to create multiple personalities in the victim. Sexual molestation and the occult are standard tools for the Monarch programmer. There are several levels of Monarch programming.

Alpha is regarded as general programming within the base personality.

Beta programming or sexual programming eliminates all learned moral behavior and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.

Delta is known as killer programming. Subjects are devoid of fear and are very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

Other levels of programming generally concern some method of self-destruction or evasion if the victim was ever captured after completing their assignment. The initial stages of programming usually begin somewhere in the first six years of the victim’s life. Due to the trauma induced by electro-shock, sexual abuse and other methods the vicitms’ mind splits into alternate personalities to cope with the trauma. Formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming. Further conditioning of the victim's mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, and with various drugs.

In order to keep Project ULTRA and its associated projects secret the CIA segmented the research between several universities, hospitals and prisons. The Canadians are still coming to grips with the house of horrors found inside Dr. Cameron’s Montreal labs. Cameron’s research was sponsored by the CIA. In fact Cameron's involvement may be the best documented case of mind control by the CIA due to the civil suit of Orlikow, et al. v. United States. In 1988, the court ordered the U.S. Justice department to pay the plaintif $750,000. In addition the Canadain goverment was assessed $8 million dollars for damages.

The final stage of programming usually occurs on military bases to insure security. Several bases are implicated with Monarch programming. Two bases have been exposed in the past by incidents Offutt and the Presidio in the 1980s. The Presidio case dates back as far as 1982, when a military doctor warned the army of the danger to children in its day care center. The army failed to follow its own regulations in allowing the children to go on field trips off base without the parents consent. On August14, 1984, the FBI and officers from the army’s criminal investigation division raided the home of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino looking for evidence of child molestation.

The Presidio case attracted the attention of investigative reporter and radio talk show host, Mae Bruessell. During her investigation of the case, she received several death threats. Her daughter was killed in a car wreck that she attributed as a hit. Before concluding her investigation, Mae was struck with a fast onset of cancer. The reader should note the CIA has developed a fast acting cancer virus. Mae’s death may have been induced rather than from natural causes.

Linked with both Offutt and the Presidio cases is Lt Colonel Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. He was attached to the DIA's Psychological Warfare Division and holds a top secret security clearance for his work in military intelligence and on classified psychological warfare. . Aquino is obsessed with Nazi pagan rituals. He officiated at SS black magic ceremonies held at Wewelsburg, the Castle once used by SS chief Heinrich Himmler to create an SS order of Teutonic Knights based on the Knights Templars. His hypnotic manipulation of people made him an ideal candidate for the position of Master Programmer. Aquino along with others was arrested in the Presidio case for child molesting. The evidence was overwhelming of their guilt however, to the dismay of the victim’s parents all charges were dropped. Aquino has developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.

The dismissal of charges is common in such cases. On February 7, 1987, the Washington Post ran an article about a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse. Washington D.C. police had arrest two men after observing them watching over several children that were described as very neglected. The children ran in age from 2 to 7 and were covered with insect bites and extremely dirty. Their subsequent investigation led to the Finders, a cult like commune. The adult males were Michael Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman. They led authorities to an old warehouse. Inside the warehouse police found color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. Some photos revealed children participating in blood letting cult rituals involving animals. Other documents described "blood rituals" and sexual orgies involving children, and an unsolved murder in which the Finders might be involved. Additional documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping.

Several telex messages were also found in the warehouse. One such telex ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy. There was a file called "Pentagon Break-in," and references to activities in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa, London, Germany, "Europe" and the Bahamas. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement. The warehouse also had a video room, apparently used for indoctrination.

All the findings by the local police were verified by US. Customs officials. The US Custom officials soon ordered a full investigation and obtained search warrants for various locations. The investigation brought in the FBI as well. Nevertheless, this was as far as the investigation ever got. All law enforcement agencies involved including the local police, the US Custom’s officials and the FBI were ordered to halt their investigations by the Department of Justice on grounds of national security. The matter was turned over to the CIA an "internal security matter," since the "Finders" is and has been a domestic and international covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency. The investigations were immediately halted, the evidence suppressed and the abused children returned to their handlers, who had been arrested. To date the only media outlet that has published the details behind the halting of the investigation has been US News and World Reports.

There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

At the center of the scandal was Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker known for his lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Among the rumors circulating was a rumor indicating that over 200 of Washington’s elite had used the call boy service. Spence’s entire mansion was covered with two way mirrors, hidden microphones and cameras. The White House including President Bush refused to answer questions or discuss the incident. At the same time, another story implicating the President in child abuse was breaking in the heart of the country. The story centered on the failure of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha.

For roughly a decade stories linking Larry King the director of Franklin to child molestation had surfaced in and around the Omaha area. The failure of the Franklin Credit Union began to expose the murky past of King that had been shrouded in fog. Besides being involved in the illegal Iran-Contra scandal, rumors of King’s involvement with child abuse came forth. King was one of the rising stars in the Republican Party. He sung the national anthem at the national convention in Dallas. He was known for the lavish parties he held including the one at the famed South Fork Ranch from the TV series Dallas. King held parties around the country including Washington D.C. Always present at these parties were young children of both sexes from King’s stable of prostitutes.

For years, rumors had surfaced about child abuse, drugs and King in the Omaha area. King had an ample supply of young boys from Boys Town, others he procured from the streets of Omaha. Police from as far as Kansas City were aware of his activities. Nevertheless, in Omaha King was protected. The chief of police in both Omaha and Des Moines, Iowa were frequent guests at King’s parties in Omaha. King had the backing of Omaha’s elite behind him including the staunchly conservative local paper. Indeed King wielded enough power to even shut down an investigation by the state attorney general under Democratic Governor Exxon. King even had an ally in the FBI officer in charge of the Omaha office. Moreover, there were abundant rumors that one did not want to incur King’s displeasure.Several murders were rumored to have been committed by King to protect his child molestation and drug businesses. In fact, at least fifteen mysterious deaths are connected with the Franklin case. It was clear from the beginning that both the local and federal grand juries were being used as a tool to cover up the child abuse surrounding King and the Franklin case. Likewise, the FBI was part of the cover up. Several of the victims recanted their testimony after being threaten by the FBI. The victims that refused to recant were charged with perjury and sentenced to prison.

It was only with the failure of Franklin Credit Union that the whole story surrounding Larry King came out due to one man’s dogged determination. John DeCamp, a former senator from the Nebraska unicameral legislator pursued the case relentlessly in the legislator. In fact, DeCamp was sternly warned by his friend, the former CIA director William Colby to give up the case before he met with a death. Shortly after warning DeCamp, Colby was found dead. Although Colby’s death was attributed to accidental drowning it was more likely he was murdered. Instead of giving up his investigation and determination to uncover the truth about King’s pedophile ring DeCamp chose the only remaining option with the blessing of Colby. He wrote a book about the case: The Franklin Cover Up. Once published, DeCamp’s death would only call more attention to the Franklin case.

In page after page, DeCamp describes the gruesome lives of the victims of King’s pedophile sex ring. Some of the cases preceded the Franklin failure by over a decade. Many of the children described satanic rituals that they were forced to attend, some of which involved sacrificing infants and young children. Children attending these sacrifices were warned that if they ever told anyone they would be the next to be sacrificed. In addition, they told of being flown to locations around the country in King’s private plane to parties where they were expected to take part in any sexual acts demanded of them.

Why did such a case in the center of America’s heartland prompt such a high level source as the former CIA director to warn his friend? Moreover, why was there so many mysterious deaths connected with the case? While the case made the headlines in regional papers, it never attracted the attention of the national media. Most people have never heard of Larry King. The answer to the questions lies in King’s connection to the top power center of the Republican Party and the Bush administration. Both Bush’s attorney general and secretary of treasure had to be aware that the FBI was involved in a massive cover up in Omaha. Even the flight logs of King’s airplane had disappeared entangling the FAA in the cover up.

Not only did King’s pedophile ring lead to the top echelons of the Republican Party it also lead to the top of the Bush administration and the Oval Office. Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount stories of seeing George Bush at some of King’s Parties. While an outsider would not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was taking place. At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man. The President was a pedophile and involved in a pedophile ring, the story had to be squashed at all cost. King is currently serving fifteen years for the failure of the Franklin Credit Union. At least two of his victims have been wrongly imprisoned for refusing to recant their testimony. Meanwhile pedophiles like George Bush are free and able to abuse other children all in the name of national security.

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Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President

by Justin A Frank
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ISBN: 0060736712
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Available at:Beaverton, Burnside, Hawthorne, Quimby Warehouse
Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:

"I don't spend a lot of time trying to figure me out. ... I'm just not into psychobabble."
-- George W. Bush

For all his simplicity and affability, George W. Bush has remained, to paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, "a mystery wrapped in an enigma." In Bush on the Couch, Dr. Justin A. Frank, a well-respected Washington, D.C.–based psychoanalyst and professor of psychiatry, unwraps that mystery, assembling a comprehensive psychological profile of President Bush. Using the principles of applied psychoanalysis — the discipline of psychoanalyzing public and historical figures pioneered by Freud — Frank fearlessly builds his case ... and reaches conclusions that are at once highly persuasive and deeply disturbing.

Through a close analysis of Bush's public statements and behavior, as well as the historical record provided by journalists, biographers, and those who have known the president well, Frank traces the development of Bush's character from childhood to the present day. Examining closely the role of the president's parents — especially Barbara Bush, an acknowledged disciplinarian whose own insecurities may have prevented her from adequately nurturing her son — Frank finds in Bush's childhood the roots of a dramatic psychic split that remains a dominant influence on his adult worldview. Frank argues that this split has inevitably hampered Bush's ability to manage his emotions, charging his psyche with restless anxiety, and conditioning him to view the world in the black-and-white terms that have so evidently shaped his administration.

Among the other subjects Frank explores:

Bush's false sense of omnipotence, instilled within him during childhood and emboldened by his deep investment in fundamentalist religion

The president's history of untreated alcohol abuse, and the questions it raises about denial, impairment, and the enabling streak in our culture

The growing anecdotal evidence that Bush may suffer from dyslexia, ADHD, and other thought disorders

His comfort living outside the law, defying international law in his presidency as boldly as he once defied DUI statutes and military reporting requirements

His love-hate relationship with his father, and how it triggered a complex and dangerous mix of feelings including yearning, rivalry, anger, and sadism

Bush's rigid and simplistic thought patterns, paranoia, and megalomania — and how they have driven him to invent adversaries so that he can destroy them

At once a compelling portrait of George W. Bush and a damning indictment of his policies, Bush on the Couch sheds startling new light on an administration whose record of violence and cruelty seems increasingly dependent on the unstable psyche of the man at its center. Insightful and accessible, courageous and controversial, Bush on the Couch tackles the question no one seems willing to ask: Is our president psychologically fit to run the country?

A renowned Washington, D.C.-based psychoanalyst examines George W. Bush's public persona-and asks serious questions about whether he is fit for the office he holds.
In Bush on the Couch Frank offers a comprehensive psychological profile of President George W. Bush using the principles of Applied Psychoanalysis, the discipline of psychoanalyzing public and historical figure pioneered by Freud. With an eye for the subtleties of human behaviour sharpened through thirty years of clinical practice, Frank traces the development of Bush's character from childhood to present day, identifying and analyzing Bush's patterns of thought, behaviour and communication. A thorough and authoritative examination of Bush's public appearances and speeches, along with historical, biographical, and journalistic records, Bush on the Couch is a compelling portrait of George W. Bush, filled with controversial and disturbing revelations about our nation's leader.

Insightful and accessible, courageous and controversial, Bush on the Couch sheds startling new light on the Bush psyche and its impact on the way he governs, tackling head-on the question no one seems willing to ask: Is our president psychologically fit to run the country?

o With the wild popularity of Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, his #1 New York Times bestsellers Stupid White Men and Dude, Where's My Country?, and anti-Bush reads by writers like Al Franken and Molly Ivins, the Bush-sceptical audience is more engaged and highly motivated than ever.

o From the contentious presidential election of 2000 to 9/11, from the War in Iraq to the War on Terrorism at home and abroad, Bush's presidency is one of the mostcontroversial in the history of the U.S. In Bush on the Couch, Dr. Frank dissects the psyche of President Bush and unearths shocking revelations about the mind of the leader of the free world. With three decades of experience, Dr. Justin Frank is an expert in the field of psychoanalysis. He has written and lectured widely on psychoanalysis and politics. A former columnist for, the recipient of numerous teaching awards, co-director of the Metropolitan Centre for Object Relations in New York, a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at George Washington University Medical Centre, and a teaching analyst at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, Dr. Frank's copious credentials speak for themselves.

Justin A. Frank's Bush on the Couch made headlines — and raised temperatures on both sides of the political spectrum — for its disturbing, and convincing, psychological profile of George W. Bush. Now, in this new edition, the renowned Washington, D.C.–based psychoanalyst offers an expanded epilogue that reviews the 2004 election and the start of Bush's second term. From Bush's bizarre and anxiety-fueled performance during the debates, to his arrogant postelection posture (claiming that "the will of the people at my back" entitled him to ignore inquisitive reporters), Frank concludes that the election may have only made things worse — and issues a renewed call for journalists, political leaders, and the American public to recognize our president and his demons.
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Product Details
Subtitle:Inside the Mind of the President
Author:Frank, Justin A
Author:Frank, Justin A.
Subject:Government - U.S. Government
Subject:Political Process - Leadership
Subject:Government - Executive Branch
Publication Date:July 2005
Dimensions:8.98x6.02x.77 in. .86 lbs.

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